Winter is a time to stay cozy and warm, generally knitting or beading something that makes us happy. This season has been remarkably free of snow and fairly mild. Still I have at least 3 UFO's on needles and a bead project in the works. Also sewing some fun aprons. This means that I am feeling productive.
What do I do while executing all of these projects? Hmmmmmm. Well, it is election season so I spend quite a lot of time trying to learn about options for the future. Because of this I have formed quite a few opinions of what I see and hear in the media.
Intelligent people use the media to sort through the information and ignore the crazy to get to the sane.
However, this season I feel a little nauseated by the garbage being thrown about. I spent many years raising my children. It went by so very quickly. I hoped that they would be good people, healthy people, kind people, happy people. And, you know, they are. Our children are hard working, kind people who make me proud to know them all.
But I fear for the next generation of young people who are being exposed to such (the only word for it is) Meanness. The cruelty of many of our leaders amazes me and saddens me. Our politicians have become bullies. Is it a wonder that our teenagers follow the examples set by these so-called leaders? Media reports it for all of us to interpret for ourselves, but our children, the children, see all of this and are learning that to lead is to be cruel, selfish, greedy and obstructionist.
What is so wrong for people to pay a fair share of taxes? Not a dollar more? Shame on Mr. Romney. As a Massachusetts resident; you disappointed me then so, in good conscience I could not vote for you now. Sorry. Mr. Gingrich; Nobody should vote for you. You were always a cruel person. You shamed yourself and our country. Go home and sell your books.
I am not disappointed in our President. I am amazed that he has been able to accomplish so very much with the opposition he has encountered from our so called representatives. He will have my support and my vote no matter what. He governs with grace and respect and kindness, and reaches out to opposition over and over. President Obama is the example of good for the next generation. As one of the 99% this President has given me hope and continues to do so. The legacy left by the previous president (that's previous president with a small p)was daunting and still Mr. Obama picked up the pieces and began the incredible task of cleaning up the mess.
One percent; THE one percent. Where do we begin? They will never be able to spend their money in 3 lifetimes and yet they keep it to themselves. With a simple tax adjustment that won't hurt them in the least they could help our country. Banks have exploited people in their greed and even when the previous administration bailed their bums out they still refuse to help people.
Jobs....well now let's see...No more off shoring any job. American companies need to employ Americans. No questions. No exceptions.
Energy. Wind, Solar, Hydro power. Time to be honest and truthful and get these energies up and running. Grants would help but they need to be easily understood by those who could benefit from them. And honestly; OIL, COAL, HYDRO-FRACKING. Just say no to these crazy things. Just say no. Please.
So, I will continue to knit and bead, sew and listen and form opinions.
And Do Unto Others as I would have them do unto me. The golden rule is still the only rule.