Tuesday, November 15, 2011

empty nesting

Without exception every child has moved in the past 2 months. How does that happen? I went from getting up to make breakfast(s) before the bus to a quick walk with the pups. Less than half the laundry. Lots of quiet.
I miss the noise and confusion. I really thought that I would love the new independence that everybody growing up would bring. But, I confess, I miss the noise and the mess.
Still can't get motivated to make our space just for us yet. Still thinking about keeping things the same for "visits".
Cooking for 2 seemed like a wonderful idea except, some days, I don't have any ideas. How silly is that?
It is wonderful to know that the children (now grown ups) have embarked on new adventures; new lives; new jobs; new places. They make us proud to know them. They are all really and truly, Nice People. They are adults I would like to call friends; not just my kids.
At some point in raising children we have to let go (and I confess, that was tough for me; ask any of them), to let them find their ways in the world. Watching them all step up the next rung of the ladder that is life is awesome. They are making decisions and being responsible for their lives.
When the kids come home it is a party. Without exception, the noise and laughter prevails.
We are well and truly blessed to have them. But one little confession; this mom is a tiny bit lonely without them. Sigh....