Now I truly cannot understand folks declaring that climate change does not exist. Here we are, in the beginning of June and we have seen tornadoes pretty much all over the place. Missouri, Alabama, even Massachusetts. Record heat even here in New England and last night there were thunderstorms most of the night.
Perhaps climate change means more than one thing. The climate, as in our weather, is just one type of change. Climate in the middle east. Demands for change just another climate "of" change. Hm. Politics in the US have become obstructionist in a time when cooperation is vital. We have a president of incredible humanity and intelligence and the "opposition" obstructs even as their own supporters object to their actions.
I feel ashamed of these politicians who waste our time and treasure because they can't get past the "differences". Their veiled racism shame all of us. Get over your idiocy and get back to work.
All people want their social security. All people want medicare. You have pandered to the rich for long enough. Do the right thing for a change. Even many of the "rich" tell you that they would gladly pay their fair share and still you won't listen.
We need to stop wasting our time on the Sarah Palin's, Michelle Bachman's and Mark Sanfords of the world. Ms. Palin shouldn't be president as she actually QUIT her job as governor. She needs to be ignored and not followed. She's only in it for the money, the money, the money. She is making the press her dupes.
Americans of every political party used to take care of one another. Now some would hold hostage the funds for victims of floods and tornadoes to get what they want. What is that about? What has happened to our humanity?
You who would care more for oil company tax breaks than the health and welfare of your constituents are embarrassments. Your mothers would be ashamed of you.
I confess, I escape in my beads and yarns and try to work with good thoughts and prayers that would turn the hearts and minds of these narrow minded people. As I sit here and watch the evidence of climate change of all kinds I look for hope.